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White Balance Settings & Color of Light
This is a low resolution image.
Our cards are printed on a
laser printer and are VERY
clear and easy to read.

How the color of your photo looks depends on both the "temperature" of the light source illuminating your subject/scene and the white balance setting on your camera. This handy 3.5" x 5.5" laminated cheat sheet shows you how different camera white balance settings can be utilized to change the resulting color of your photos.


  • Make a photo taken under midday sun look like it's taken at sunset.
  • Make a photo taken with a flash look like it's taken at sunset.
  • Make a photo taken at sunset like it's taken midday.
  • Many more.

This cheat sheet is included in the following
Photo Cheat Sheets -- 20 Card Set
Each card is available separately. (listed below)
$ 24.95